Follow Your Passion and Success Will Follow You

About Us

Welcome to NEXT LEVEL 2 LIFE, we are happy You finaly found us, that means something good for sure! Our journey began in 2009 when I created and registered my first domain/internet address www.nextlevel2life.com, there was no concrete vision of what it would turn into, but there was already one thought in my head... MOTIVATION, the desire to motivate myself and others, thus making us think more about who we really are, where we are going, why we are here and what possibilities lie within us. Then the idea came to me to start creating short, visually appealing motivational posts on the social media. So in 2016, the "Next Level 2 Life" motivation page was created on Facebook.

There was a lot of motivation, but there was still something missing... I wanted something new, interesting and colourful. So the idea was born to put the motivations on things that we all have in our lives, like T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, etc. While still thinking about how to do this, in 2020 I met a girl who had the same idea about life as me and it turned out that she had similar ideas about putting motivation on products that we use in our daily lives and that can motivate us and others 24/7 with their content and unique design images! Since that first meeting, we have been together ever since and we are a team that creates good stuff for you. This way, the website address www.nextlevel2life.com finally took a visual form in 2023 and became a platform for the creation of T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters and other products that motivate with exclusive designs and make you look at things in a broader and more cheerful way!

Our Mindset and Motivation

Everything is very simple, our motto is - YOU CAN, it means that you can escape from the vicious circle of everyday life, from this matrix, from this game and rise to the next level of life. You can be free, happy, healthy, rich, independent, you can be different, unique and authentic, in other words you can be You, the way you feel in your heart, the way you always wanted to be, the original You, without any limitations. So it is up to you, to decide how to live your life.

Motivate yourself to live Your and only Your authentic live, motivate yourself to be brave, self-confident, to show those around you with your behavior that you and other beings are capable more than we where told since childhood. We are not limited, we are infinite beings with infinite possibilities.

It's time to change, stop waiting for safe circumstances, stop thinking about what others will think, stop holding to old habits and other boxes that this is not possible or wrong, how I will look in front of others. I will not succeed, I can't, it's not time or I'm not worth it , blah blah blah.. NO, now is the time to finally be yourself, live the way you dream, do what you always wanted, love yourself and enjoy being on this Planet. We are reincarnated here not for the first thousand years, we are born here, grow up, study, work and finally die here.. We keep repeating it and repeating it, but aren't you tired of playing the same games over and over again? It's time to finally go to the Next Level 2 Life, not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

There is so much new, so many new opportunities and interesting things waiting for you, waiting for you to dare to be yourself and start doing what you want to do, not what others, your relatives, friends, society want you to do and the outdated beliefs and rules that prevail within it. Understand that everything since your birth, what you have experienced, what decisions you have made, what you have done, all this has shaped you as you are today, maybe complex and afraid of something, maybe unhealthy or something like that, in short, you have become limited, weak, lost, because you listened to others, did what others do, lived blindly. But you can change it, you can change. Start living by listening to your inner voice and heart, which knows better than anyone else what you need, you just need to love yourself, because LOVE is the answer to all questions and problems.

You can! Now. Look around, think about your life, what do you really want to do in your life and what do you want to do NOW? Ask yourself who you are and what you live for? Remind yourself that the past is gone and there is no future yet, there is only this eternal moment in which you, with your choices, determine how you will live, what you will experience and what you will have, where and what you will be. So be brave to live your life in such a way that it brings you JOY, so that when the time comes to leave it, you will leave calm and happy, full of wonderful experiences!

Welcome To Your Next Level 2 Life!